Homeopathy for Summer Travel
Summer is the time to spend out doors getting fresh air and (safe) sun. Homeopathy can be very effective as a first aid treatment if you happen to have minor illnesses and injuries while travelling.
My number one remedy to have on hand always (travel or not) is Arnica 30C. Arnica is the first remedy to think of in any injury from when there is inflammation, swelling, and/or bruising. Arnica is often referred to as “the homeopathic ibuprofen.” This is a fantastic remedy for sore muscles after overexertion. It also alleviates joint pain, muscle pain and stiffness from overwork. This is the first remedy to think of in a black eye injury or any blow to the nose causing a nosebleed. Arnica will reduce swelling, fluid and bruising and pain associated with bruising.
Aconite 30C or 200C is used to treat shock, fear and anxiety, all of which have a “sudden and intense” feeling. It can be used to treat acute illness, especially if it is resulting from exposure to wind, especially in dry, cold weather or very hot weather. I use this remedy in my practice commonly when clients have a fear of flying.
Apis 30C-This remedy is indicated in bee stings, insect bites, infections and allergic reactions. Use Apis when there is tissue swelling, redness, stinging and burning. Often the skin will feel like a balloon ready to burst. Apis can also be used in sunburn when there is stinging pain, heat, swelling and redness. Better cool compresses
Arsenicum 200C- This remedy is used for food poisoning. It centres it’s action on the gastro-intestinal system. There can be vomiting and diarrhea and it can be simultaneous, thirsty for small sips of water, restless, anxious, needs company at all times, but not pleasant to be around, weakness symptoms present or worsen at 12am-3am.
Calendula 30C-Calendula is known as the skin healer. Drop a pellet of 30C potency into water and bathe the area (wound, infection or sunburn). You can also take this directly under the tongue as needed for any type of skin healing. Calendula works as an antiseptic to prevent serious infection when used topically and internally.
Cantharis 30C- this is another great sunburn remedy, use when there is violent burning pain with blisters, the skin can feel raw, worse to the touch, better cold applications.
Ledum 30C- this is the mosquito bite remedy. If you know you will be exposed to mosquitos, or you get severe reactions to mosquito bites, take 1 pellet of before the trip, then 1 pellet the day of, then as needed for itchy, swollen bites. This remedy is also indicated in puncture wounds and bites (bug, dog, cat, snake). The injured part may be cold, but will be relieved by cold. If there is a threat of tetanus, along with medical care, use Ledum first then Hypericum (usually in a 200C or higher)
Nux Vomica 30C-This is most commonly known as “the hangover remedy.” It is taken when you have overindulged in food or alcohol. There may be sharp stomach pains with cramping that is relieved by warm drinks and warm compresses. There can also be oversensitivity to any stimulation such as light, noise and odours.
Rhus Toxicodendron 30C- This remedy is my top remedy for poison ivy. Use when the rash first presents itself. Irritating, blistering, itching burning skin. There may be tiny, itchy vesicles which crust over and dry when scratched.
Tabacum 30C-This remedy is fantastic for motion sickness. With this remedy picture, you will see pale skin, nausea, cold skin with sweats, excess salivation which is relieved by opening the window, and loosening the seatbelt or belt (pressure on the abdomen)
Urtica Urens 30C-sunburns with a stinging pain, crawling sensation, sensitivity to the skin, rash from overheating and exertion.
As a general rule, homeopathic remedies are best stored in a cool, dry environment, away from heat, moisture and cellular/wifi radiation. Do not store remedies near any strong scents such as essential oils, muscle rubs and scented body products.
When travelling with homeopathic remedies it is best to use pellets only. Liquid remedies will not be allowed on the flight. Keep them in their original vials with the labels intact and the DIN visible. It is best for your remedies to avoid the x-ray scanners if at all possible, but sometimes that is not a possibility. I have many clients who have had remedies go through the scanner, and they still work when used. Just take note that the remedies may be weakened with repeated exposure to radiation.
Another alternative is to purchase a “Faraday Bag” online for $9-80 depending on your size requirements. Faraday pouches block all WiFi, EMF, RFID, NFC, cellular and radiation.
For all of the above remedies, take 1-2 pellets as needed. Wait for relapse before re-dosing. If after 3 doses you see no improvement, it is not the right remedy for you. Bon Voyage!
“Homeopathy can be very effective as a first aid treatment if you happen to have minor illnesses and injuries while travelling.”