Homeopathy for Pregnancy & Postpartum

Pregnancy is a special time in your life. From the moment of conception forward, your life is never the same. Your body goes through amazing physical, hormonal and emotional changes during this time. Homeopathy is a safe and effective medicine to use during pregnancy and even for the newborn baby. Homeopathy stimulates your own body’s ability to heal itself, which is why it is so effective. Many ailments during pregnancy can be helped with homeopathy from morning sickness, constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, high blood pressure, breach or transverse baby position, and all of the emotional changes that occur during this time including postpartum depression. It is always best to seek out a professional homeopath to treat you during your pregnancy.

Here are a few morning sickness remedies that may help:

Nux Vomica can help with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy with retching. The nausea is worse in the morning and after eating. There may be cramping, indigestion, bloating, gas and burping. There will be a ravenous hunger and a sensitivity of the abdomen to touch. Vomiting makes the nausea better. The mother-to-be may feel irritated and easily offended.

Ipecac is the remedy prescribed when there is constant, persistent nausea morning and night. Vomiting does not relieve the symptoms and there may be repetitive vomiting with no relief. There will be a lot of saliva and a moist mouth. There may be a disgust for food and drink with no thirst. Nausea tends to get worse lying down and usually lasts all day.

Pulsatilla may be indicated when the nausea is worse towards the late afternoon and evening. The nausea is worse after eating and there is no thirst. There will be cravings with uncertainty for what foods to eat. Fats, rich and spicy foods and warm foods and drinks all make it worse, but yet she may crave them. There is a great sensitivity to overeating which can make the nausea worse. There is usually an weepy emotional state with a desire for a lot of comfort from loved ones.

Homeopathy is wonderful for labour support. Anxiety, anticipation, fear, malposition of the baby, failure to progress, back labour, and cervical dilation can all be addressed with remedies. During this time, I always encourage professional support. Seek out a homeopath who works with women in labour to support you during this time.

Homeopathy can help with postpartum healing in a phenomenal way. I generally recommend 4 different remedies to be taken after the delivery.

Arnica 30C- Arnica is the most important remedy to take following a shock or physical trauma. It is indicated following any trauma that may cause bruising. Arnica acts on the muscles and blood, giving relief from the natural bruising and strain of birthing. Because it has an affinity for the blood, it will act to control bleeding and prevent hemorrhage post-partum.

Calendula 30C- Calendula is an excellent antiseptic as well as a healing agent for the skin. It can help any incisions or tears to heal smoothly and infection free. Externally, the remedy water may be placed directly on open wounds, cracked nipples, incisions, etc. It will soothe and heal any trauma to the skin. 1 pellet of Calendula can be placed in your peri bottle for extra healing. Topically, 1 pellet in 500ml of water can be used as an alternative to creams in treating diaper rash as well. Bathe the area with the remedy water as needed to soothe irritated, red diaper rash.

Bellis Perennis 200C

Bellis is indicated in internal bruising to organs and soft tissues, especially of the abdomen. Bruises, lacerations and incisions may all benefit from this remedy. It is also an excellent remedy for problems with the breasts. It can be taken after birth to help the body heal the internal organs and soft tissues that may have been traumatized by the birth experience.

Hypericum 200C-Hypericum has a special affinity to the head, nerves and spinal column. If you have experienced any specific trauma to your back during labour, ie back labour, forceps delivery or an epidural, then this is an important remedy. Hypericum is especially suited to nerve rich areas such as fingers toes and peritoneal area. This makes a wonderful remedy for anyone recovering from an episiotomy or tearing.

I began my own homeopathic journey with remedies used to clear mastitis and a blocked duct when my daughter was 3 weeks old. Homeopathy can help with many ailments that may occur during conception, pregnancy, labour, postpartum and the years to come. Seeking the help of a professional homeopath can ease the stress, anxiety and changes that may come with the arrival of your precious new baby.

I began my own homeopathic journey with remedies used to clear mastitis and a blocked duct when my daughter was 3 weeks old. Homeopathy can help with many ailments that may occur during conception, pregnancy, labour, postpartum and the years to come.
— Aimee Marples