Homeopathy and Kid’s Mood Swings
Often times as parents and care-givers, we struggle with our little ones changing temperaments. When times like this occur, I always like to check in to find the root cause of what is going on. Sometimes it can be lack of sleep, decreased nutrition, overwhelm from a stimulating environment or lack of attention from friends and family. In the earlier ages, teething can contribute to fussiness the infant
Each situation offers its own solution. When it comes to nutrition, Omega 3’s (EPA and DHA) play an important role in almost every part of brain neurotransmission. I like my pediatric patients (ages 4-12) to take on average 2000mg of total Omega 3’s daily. Current research is showing dosages under medical supervision can be much higher than this. Omega 3’s aid in the development of the cognitive and neurological brain and helps with normal cell function throughout the body.
Remedies that may offer some help are:
The “chamomilla child” will be angry and have great irritability. They may have a tendency to hit or throw things and can become inconsolable. They may demand an object, only to throw it away (often targeted at someone) once received. A child in this state will insist to be carried and will cry if the parent or caregiver puts them down. They are abnormally insensitive to pain, and will present with great restlessness. Physically they may have one cheek red and one cheek white and their stool may appear to have chopped spinach in it with a rotten egg odour. This remedy is indicated in teething children, acute or chronic ear infections, fever and colic.
Nux Vomica
This remedy is indicated with an overstimulated, impatient, irritable child who has a tendency to anger and frustration. They can have a great sensitivity to stimulation, especially light, noise, odours and excessive screen time, poor food choices or too many late nights. They can suffer from insomnia, especially waking between 3-4am. Physically this child is generally constipated with hard, painful stools. Lots of gastrointestinal upset, which is worse tight clothing, better with warmth applications and warm drinks.
Calcarea Phosphoricum
This remedy picture is similar to Chamomilla except the child will have less aggression. These are sensitive children who can be overwhelmed by the stresses of school. This can present with refusing to go to school, refusing to get out of bed in the morning, headaches or stomach aches during school times or the end of the school day and they will often complain of boredom. They tend to have a “bad attitude” towards life and a general unhappiness. These children are worse from cold, especially cold drafts, they may have delayed physical developments such as walking or talking, delayed dentition, delayed closure of fontanelles and growing pains.
As always, seek out an alternative professional in your area for help in prescribing for yourself or your young ones. Sometimes a little love and attention can go a long way in comforting our little souls as they grow and change in this ever fascinating world.
“Omega 3’s aid in the development of the cognitive and neurological brain and helps with normal cell function throughout the body.”