Homeopathy for Hormonal Changes, PMS & Puberty
Treating hormonal changes and imbalances takes up a large portion of my practice. Whether it is the pre-pubescent child, women with irregular or painful periods or women going through menopause.
Hormonal changes can comprise of any of the following symptoms: irritability, depression, anxiety, mood swings, acne, bloating, breast tenderness, sugar and other food cravings, headaches and sleep disturbances, painful periods, irregular cycles, abdominal and/or back pain through the cycle, and sometimes amenorrhea (absence of a period).
Some factors that may contribute to hormonal imbalances include a high-sugar, refined carbohydrate diet, caffeine, stress, dairy, hormones in meat and dairy products, and, xenoestrogens (synthetic chemicals that mimic estrogen in our bodies) from soaps, shampoos, artificial scents in our environment, pesticides and pollution. Sluggish bowels and imbalances in the gut bacteria can also affect your hormones as ineffective elimination can lead to the reabsorption of estrogen from your intestinal lining back into your blood.
Because the menstrual cycle is typically based on a 28-day cycle, we often see it synced with the moon cycle. Ovulation or menstruation often occurs either during the full moon (a time to practice gratitude) or the new moon (a time to set new intentions). Most women find this helpful in tracking their cycle and aiding them in understanding where and how to focus their energy.
Teaching our young girls, as well as learning ourselves to understand our body and its cycles is an invaluable practice, especially when it comes to awareness, confidence, fertility and feeling comfortable in our own skin.
As my own 13-year old daughter approaches this special time in her life, I came across an idea on Dr. Christiane Northrup’s website. I contacted all of the strong women in her life and requested that they write what they wished they had known at her age, what ideas, attitudes, beliefs, and awareness could have made a big difference to their adolescence? What tools and strategies have they learned from life? I have also asked my mother and mother in law to add in stories about their mothers, who have since passed on, so my daughter can learn more about her great-grandmothers. This beautiful book of wisdom received from her loving support network will help her with her transition into womanhood as well as help to guide her during challenging times, knowing the powerful circle of women before her have gone through similar experiences.
Another practice to learn about is Cycle Syncing. This is where you adapt your diet, exercise and social calendar based on where you are in your cycle to provide your body with the support and nourishment it needs during the different phases of your cycle.
I have also had tremendous success in my practice using Seed Cycling, whether you are menstruating, in menopause or have had a hysterectomy.
Seed cycling is when you use flaxseed and pumpkin seeds used to boost estrogen in the first part of your cycle (menstrual and follicular phase) and sunflower and sesame seeds to boost progesterone levels in the second part of your cycle (ovulation and luteal phase).
Some of the Homeopathic Remedies to aid with PMS, menstrual difficulties and hormonal imbalances are:
MAG PHOS-This is a fantastic remedy for any abdominal colic which is better with pressure and warmth. Pain often precedes the period and subsides once the flow comes on. The flow can be dark and tends to come early. Great weakness is felt with the period and there can be a feeling of soreness or bruising in the region of the abdomen. This remedy can be taken as a tissue salt multiple times a day (6X potency), or less often in a 12C, or 30C potency.
COLOCYNTHIS-Cramping pain that is better bending double. Menstrual pain is relieved by hard, firm pressure. Relief can come after a bowel movement and from heat. The client can be irritable and her feelings can be hurt easily. All symptoms are worse with anger.
CHAMOMILLA-intense pain marked by anger. The flow is heavy and can have dark clotted blood. Heat makes the pains worse, while exercise improves them.
SEPIA-is a remedy of utmost importance when it comes to balancing hormones. There will be indifference and irritability before her period, she takes her moods out on those closest to her (partner, family and children), headaches occur before or during menses. There can be hair loss, night sweats, fatigue, constipation, a chilly sensation and worse for missing meals. Sepia is also very effective in helping to treat infertility, PCOS and irregular periods.
CALC CARB-is a fantastic remedy for women wanting to balance their hormones if they are coming off the birth control pill. There can be pain during menstruation, fluid retention, headaches, insomnia, irritability and a feeling of being overwhelmed. The flow is generally very heavy, with breast tenderness before the flow.
PULSATILLA-This is commonly used in young women as they begin their cycle. Acne, painful periods and irregular, scant, or suppressed menses. The mood will be weepy, teary and desire to be comforted. This is also an effective remedy in treating PCOS.
It is always best to seek out the help of a professional healthcare provider, but if self-prescribing, I encourage you to start with a low potency (6C, 12C, 30C), take 1 dose, see if symptoms resolve and wait for relapse before re-dosing.
“Because the menstrual cycle is typically based on a 28-day cycle, we often see it synced with the moon cycle. Ovulation or menstruation often occurs either during the full moon (a time to practice gratitude) or the new moon (a time to set new intentions). ”